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Other Tools

This page is a repository of valuable tools and resources offered by the Archway Community, including monitoring systems, dashboards, and versatile platforms. These resources are designed to enhance your capabilities and are backed by Archway Community's commitment to support your needs.


The following page contains links to third-party content. Archway does not endorse or provide support for these contributions.

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ContributionDescriptionAuthorDate added/updated
Analytics & staking dashboardMonitoring with a graph, the number of signed/missed blocks, commission/stake amount, etc.Alphab2023-11-21
Remote Signing via TMKMSThis guide about setup Soft-Sign" option, which is software signing structure for Archway mainnet.AmSolutions2023-07-06
Tenderduty monitoring + Allerts BotIt is additional notification service for Archway node. Create your own group at Telegram where your bot will be sending alert notifications.AmSolutions2023-11-18
Node MapDisplays the locations of Archway nodes by date. The location is displayed based on the IP address, and some hidden nodes are not displayed.DSRV2023-11-21
Chain Information PlatformThis platform provides information about the network, validators, public nodes, etc.ECO Stake2023-11-21
RestakeRestake allows validators to auto-compound your Archway staking rewards.ECO Stake2023-11-21
RPC ScannerThe tool scan the network and produce a list of nodes that publish their RPC endpoints.kjnodes2023-04-19
SlashboardDedicated tool designed to showcase the historical data of validator slashing incidents.kjnodes2023-04-19
Map of ZonesThe tool scan the network on IBC volume/channels, total transactions, daily active addresses, unique delegators and more other.Map of Zones2024-01-30
Archway analyticsDashboard that displays current/avg uptime of validators, actively participates in governance, changes in stake, etc.Smart Stake2023-03-07
Reward calculatorThe tool used to estimate the potential earnings or returns that can be gained by staking.Smart Stake2023-03-07
UnagiiStaking platform empowers users to securely participate in the decentralized network, enabling them to earn rewards by staking their ARCH tokens and actively contributing to the protocol's stability and growth.Stakewithus2023-11-21