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Welcome to the Troubleshooting section of Namada Wiki 🛠

This documentation is dedicated to resolving common errors, bugs, and issues that arise when interacting with the Namada network and maintaining validators. This resource is specifically designed to provide instant resolution to these common issues.


To share your own troubleshooting solutions, simply click "Edit this page" below, add your solution using Markdown, and initiate a pull request for review.

Visit Introduction page for more information.

Validator is jailed​

  • Error: validator tnam1q... is jailed while running namada client validator-state --validator <address>

  • Solution:

    Get the current epoch:

    namada client epoch 

    #output: Last committed epoch: 24

    Submit unjail txn:

    namadac unjail-validator --validator <address>

    :::info If your node is not synced, add --node <ip_address:port> flag to use RPC. :::

    Wait 2 epochs and your validator should be unjailed. To check it, run:

    namada client validator-state --validator <address>

    #output: Validator tnam1q... is in the consensus set

Cannot bond tokens to my validator​

  • Error:

    0: The address tnam1q... doesn't belong to any known validator account.
    1: The address tnam1q... doesn't belong to any known validator account.
  • Solution: You can add your validator address as an alias to use it in bond txs, etc.

    Find your validator address:

    namadac find-validator --tm-address=$(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r .result.validator_info.address)

    #output: Found validator address tnam1q...

    Add your address:

    namadaw address add --alias <your_address> --address <your_address>

    Bond tokens:

    namadac bond --source <your_wallet> --validator <your_validator> --amount 1000

Stack overflow error​

  • Error: thread 'main' has overflowed its stack, fatal runtime error: stack overflow

  • Solution:

    Make sure your node is on the latest version:

    namada --version

    :::info The latest version can be found here. :::

    Find cometbft process:

    ps aux | grep cometbft

    Kill the process:

    kill -9 <pid>

    Increase stack limit in namadad.service file:

    nano /etc/systemd/system/namadad.service

    #then add the line:
    LimitSTACK=ulimit -s 32768

    Restart node and service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart namadad

Many connections to RPC​

  • Problem:

    Many connections to node around 900 in close-wait state. Weak machines may have problems with response time, for example the interval in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp of the earliest prevote that reached a quorum.

  • Solution:

    Try to change the config at $HOME/.local/share/namada/<chain-id>/config.toml:

    • pex=false,

    • persistent_peers=list of persistent_peers,

    • addr_book_strict=false

      After such changes, remove the AddressBook and possibly reset your node_id.

      AddressBook path: $HOME/.local/share/namada/public-testnet-.../cometbft/config.

      Restart node and service:

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart namadad

TOML error​

  • Error:

    Message:  called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value:
    0: couldn't parse TOML from /home/namada/.local/share/namada/public-testnet-...toml
    1: invalid type: integer `9223372036854`, expected a string for key `token.Schnitzel.balances.<my key>` at line 2518 column 88
  • Solution:

    It looks like there's a parsing error in your TOML file. Make sure that the value for the key token.Schnitzel.balances.<my key> is a string, not an integer.

    cat /home/namada/.local/share/namada/public-testnet-...toml

No matching key found​

  • Error:

    Unable to load the keypair from the wallet for public key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Failed with: No matching key found
  • Solution:

    Looks like you didn't run the join network command with the --genesis-validator flag.

    Try this command:

    namadac utils join-network --chain-id public-testnet-... --genesis-validator ...

MASP error​

  • Error:

    The application panicked (crashed).
    Message: parametr file size is not correct, please clean your MASP...
  • Solution:

    It is important that you delete the old MASPParams folder. It does not always update correctly.

    Use the following commands:

    For Linux Users:

    rm -rf $HOME/.masp-params

    For MAC Users:

    rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/MASPParams" 

    Once these steps have been taken, it is safe to run:

    namadac utils join-network --chain-id public-testnet-...

    Remember to include --genesis-validator ... if you are a pre-genesis validator.

    And then run:

    NAMADA_CMT_STDOUT=true namada ledger run

Wrong cometbft binary path​

  • Error: Output after cp <path-to-cometbft-binary> /usr/local binary:

    bash: path-cometbft-binary: No such file or directory
  • Solution:

    You need to change <path-to-cometbft-binary> for the path where the cometbft binary is located.

    In this case: $HOME/cometbft/build/cometbft.

Protoc error​

  • Error:

    `Err` value: Custom { kind: Other, error: "protoc failed: google/protobuf/timestamp.proto: File not found.\ntypes.proto:3:1: Import \"google/protobuf/timestamp.proto\" was not found or had errors.\n" }', core/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
  • Solution:

    Protoc version seems to be outdated, try to update it.

    Check Namada docs and grpc docs.

RPC listening​

  • Error: listening of the node doesn't work.

  • Solution:

    The ledger configuration is stored in $BASE_DIR/$CHAIN_ID/config.toml and is created when you join the network. You can modify this file to change the configuration of your node. Change the config at $HOME/.local/share/namada/chain-id.../config.toml, laddr should be tcp://

    laddr = "tcp://

    Save your changes and restart the node.

ABCI error​

  • Error: Servers error: Address already in use.

  • Solution:

    This means that you're already running a node on the same server (i.e. you need to change your ports).

    You can change the port configuration in the config.toml file located in the testnet directory.

    In this case: $HOME/.local/share/namada/chain-id.../config.toml.

Tendermint error​

  • Error:

    ERROR namada_apps::node::ledger: Err(Tendermint(Init(Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })))
    ERROR namada_apps::node::ledger: Tendermint error: Failed to initialize Tendermint: No such file or directory (os error 2)
  • Solution:

    Try initialize another version Tendermint.

    Check version:

    tendermint --version

Mising genesis files​

  • Error: output after namada ledger
Message: Mising genesis files
0: Couldn`t read Validity predicates config file...
  • Solution:

    To join the network with your full node, you'll need the chain-id, which will be available once the genesis file is ready; you can then use the namada client utils join-network --chain-id $CHAIN_ID command to join.

Balance error​

  • Error:

    Occurs when assets are transferred from Ethereum to Namada.

 0: The balance of the source tnam1q... of token tnam1q... is lower than the amount required for fees. Amount of the fees is 0.025 and the balance is 0.
  • Solution:
    • If an ERC20 token is transferred to Namada, once the associated TransferToNamada Ethereum event is included into Namada, validators mint the appropriate amount to the corresponding multitoken balance key for the receiver, or release the escrowed native Namada token.
    • To transfer 10 DAI to Namada, you must ensure that the Namada address receiving the wrapped assets has enough balance to cover the fees; the error message indicates that the balance is lower than the required fee amount of 0.025
    • You can check the current balance and transaction details on Etherscan for the ERC20 token DAI.

Cannot join as a post-genesis validator​

  • Error: cannot join the network after genesis and got Failed to construct Namada chain context.

  • Solution:

    You may need to run namada client utils join-network. If the chain is configured, you may need to set the chain id with --chain-id <chainid>, via the env var NAMADA_CHAIN_ID, or configure the default chain id in the global-config.toml file. If you do intend to run pre-genesis operations, pass the --pre-genesis flag as the first argument to the command.

Libudev error​

  • Error: after delete the folder namada/target.
--- stderr
Package libudev was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing libudev.pc
  • Solution:

Install libudev:

sudo apt install libudev-dev -y

New chain error​

  • Error: occurs when build new chain.
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }
Location: /home/ubuntu/namada/apps/src/lib/client/
  • Solution:

Make sure to delete the old files in the base dir and re-run.

namadac utils join-network --chain-id public-testnet-...

Tendermint error​

  • Error: occurs in the node logs Tendermint node is not longer running.

  • Solution:

    Correctly install CometBFT.

    Check cometbft location:

    which cometbft

    # output should be /usr/local/bin

SocketClient failed​

  • Error: logs on node starts.
abci.socketClient failed to connect to tcp:// connect: connection refused
  • Solution:

    • Looks good (just make sure to be on the correct chain id). Only p2p port needs to be exposed 26656.
    • The "connection refused" message you're encountering is a common log that appears before a node starts, and it's not necessary to expose port 26658 for a pre-genesis validator.

Stake error​

  • Error: occurs after the stake command.

    0: Fatal error
    Location: apps/src/lib/cli/
  • Solution:

    Wait untill your node fully sync. You can check the sync status by running:

    curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.latest_block_height

Init error​

  • Error: occurs during initialize a validator account.

    0: Timed out waiting for tx to be accepted
    Location: /root/namada/apps/src/lib/cli/
  • Solution:

    This error occurs when chain is halted.

    Therefore, first, check the network health in the explorer and check the appropriate channels.

Node crashes with The application panicked​

  • Error:
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Shell(StorageApi(Custom(CustomError(Rewards(InsufficientVotes
Location: /home/namada/.cargo/git/checkouts/tower-abci-0d01b039e0b7a0c9/367d8d9/src/
  • Solution:

    Sometimes this happens, try adding more peers and restart (stop/start) your node and service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart namadad